Saturday 24 April 2010

Spain and Italy: Through the Lens

I'm going to take a page out of Peter's blog and do the photo thing as a recap of the final weeks of my Easter break. It's not that I don't feel inclined to write, it's just that as my travels developed so did my affection for a unique, moment-capturing image, and thus I found myself taking in these places not only as a road-tripper but also through the lens of my trusty Cybershot or Coolpix. Plus, captions are fun to write. For inspiration, I turn to any action sports mag, such as the latest issue of Surfing:
"Somewhere, a dude in a beat up, old Jimmy with four-wheel drive, three-teeth and a barely five-figure salary is sipping a PBR tall boy and laughing his ass off."

Now, that's setting the bar real high, but I can limbo. Enjoy.

Don't eat too much tuna.
Reina Sofia, Madrid.

Lost in translation.
Reina Sofia, Madrid.

No access? But I brought my tent!
Camp Nou, Barcelona.

Animating the souls of purgatory.
The Crypt, Sagrada Familia, Barcelona.

No perch on a shadow, alas...
Random street, Barcelona.

Makin' guarantees: "The Expert Will Come Back."

I am entertained.

High-definition piety.
The Vatican, Easter Sunday.

No comment.

Outside of Florence.

View from the grass.
Outside of Florence.

Under the Tusc—kidding, kidding...

Peugeot through the grapevine.

If you're not careful, this can add up.
Coconuts in Venice.

Who's the widdler? And what do you mean by tilting?

For some reason, the analogy to a "woody" station wagon doesn't quite fit.

Glass supernova.

Only in Murano.

Somewhere, I'm sure, Ansel Adams is rolling over in his grave...


1 comment:

  1. SO COOL!!!!!!! i read the one about the birds in barcelona as "alas," spanish for "wings" lol... then i realized you meant, alas. lol. love the pics and looks like you had a rockin vacation :)
